The political communication division offers travel grants for the London conference. Here is how to apply:
ICA 2013 Political Communication Division Travel Fund Application
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Introduction To apply for a division travel grant, complete the
following form by February 24, 2013 (late submissions not accepted).
Notice of awards will go out by April 1. The awards are for the paper,
and so those with more than one author require a completed
application by each author and receive the same consideration and level
of funding as those with one author.
To expand the pool of funds, the ICA matches division funding, but each
applicant must apply to both ICA and the Division. Please apply first to
ICA (see below). Because the deadline for the entire ICA process is
March 1, the Political Communication Division
has set an earlier deadline, which leaves time for divisional
decisions. The deadline for completing the information in the following
survey is Feb. 24, and notice of the division and ICA award decisions
and combined amounts will reach you by April 1.
1. I am an ICA Member. Note: You must be an ICA Member to apply for travel funds. *
2. I have completed the on-line travel grant application at the ICA
website (go to the Travel Grant Request Form link). Note: You must fill
out the travel grant application at the ICA before you submit this
2. About You Please provide the following personal information.
3. Name (Last, First) *
4. E-Mail Address *
5. Mailing Address *
6. University *
7. Status *
In Coursework
In Dissertation
PhD Holder
Other (Please Specify)
8. Number of Papers Ever Accepted to ICA (any Division) *
9. Country Tier of Current Residence (To find the country tier, go to *
10. Minority Status within current Country of Residence *
Minority (Please Specify)
3. About the Paper/Panel Please provide some information about the accepted paper or panel.
11. Title of accepted paper or panel *
12. Other Authors (If your paper is single-authored, please type None below.) *
4. About the Travel Please provide some information about the travel.
13. Distance from conference venue (hours of travel from your city to London) *
more than 12
14. Estimated cost of transportation only (in US$) *
15. Other Sources of Funding (in US$) *
Other Agency (Government or Grant)
16. Please mark this box to certify that the above information is
complete and accurate and that if awarded a travel grant you will attend
the convention and deliver the paper yourself. *
I Accept these Terms.
Please fill in the form and return it by email Sophie Lecheler. If you have any questions, please also direct them to:
Thanks and best wishes,
Jesper Stromback (program planner 2013), Sophie Lecheler (division secretaty), and Claes de Vreese (division chair)