Friday, January 18, 2013

Call for Nominations: Murrary Edelman Career Achievement

The Murray Edelman career achievement award in political communication has shifted to a biennial award, and nominations for 2013 are now open. The committee (Lance Bennett, chair, Rosalee Clawson and Michael Delli Carpini) will consider nominations that are accompanied by a short statement of the nominee's contributions to our field. Nominations will be accepted until March 1, 2013. Please send all nominations to Lance Bennett:

Here are the past recipients of The Murray Edelman Distinguished Career Award
for lifetime contribution to the study of political communication.

2011 Diana Mutz, University of Pennsylvania
2009 Daniel Hallin, University of California, San Diego
2008 Michael X. Delli Carpini, University of Pennsylvania
2007 Marion Just, Wellesley College (Co-recipient)
            W. Russell Neuman, University of Michigan (Co-recipient)
2006 Robert Entman, George Washington University
2005 Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch
2004 Michael Schudson 
2003 W. Lance Bennett, University of Washington
2002 Thomas E. Patterson, Harvard University
2001 the late Steven Chaffee, University of California, Santa Barbara
2001 Jack McLeod, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2000 Roderick Hart, University of Texas
1999 Bernard C. Cohen, University of Wisconsin
1998 Shanto Iyengar, University of California, Los Angeles
1997 Ellen Mickiewicz, Duke University
1996 Maxwell McCombs, University of Texas, Austin (Co-recipient)
Donald Shaw, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Co-recipient)
1995 Kathleen Hall Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania
1994 Kurt Lang and Gladys Lang, University of Washington
1993 Elihu Katz, Guttman Institute of Applied Social Research, Jerusalem, Israel
1992 Doris Graber, University of Illinois, Chicago

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