Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Call for Nominations: Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award

The committee is asking members of the division to nominate papers for the Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award. This award given for the best paper on political communication presented at the previous APSA Annual Meeting. Please send nominations by February 28th to Kimberly Gross, chair of the award committee at kimgross@gwu.edu.

ICA Student Travel Grant

The political communication division offers student travel grants.

To apply for a division travel grant, complete the following form by February 20, 2012. Notice of awards will go out by April 1. The awards are for the paper, and so those with more than one author require a completed application by each author and receive the same consideration and level of funding as those with one author.

To expand the pool of funds, the ICA matches division funding, but each applicant must apply to both ICA and the Division. Please apply first to ICA (see below). Because the deadline for the entire ICA process is March 1, the Political Communication Division has set an earlier deadline, which leaves time for divisional decisions. The deadline for completing the information in the following survey is Feb. 20, and notice of the division and ICA award decisions and combined amounts will reach you by April 1.

If you wish to apply please send the application form below to our program planner -- Claes de Vreese at c.h.devreese@uva.nl

Answers marked with a * are required.

1. I am an ICA Member. Note: You must be an ICA Member to apply for travel funds. *



2. I have completed the on-line travel grant application at the ICA website (go to the Travel Grant Request Form link). Note: You must fill out the travel grant application at the ICA before you submit this survey.



About You: Please provide the following personal information.

3. Name (Last, First) *

4. E-Mail Address *

5. Mailing Address *

6. University *

7. Status *

In Coursework

In Dissertation

PhD Holder

Other (Please Specify)

8. Number of Papers Ever Accepted to ICA (any Division) *




more than 5

9. Country Tier of Current Residence (To find the country tier, go to http://www.icahdq.org/membership/Countrytierchart.asp .) *




10. Minority Status within current Country of Residence *


Minority (Please Specify)

About the Paper/Panel Please provide some information about the accepted paper or panel.

11. Title of accepted paper or panel *

12. Other Authors (If your paper is single-authored, please type None below.) *

About the Travel: Please provide some information about the travel.

13. Distance from conference venue (hours of travel from your city to Phoenix) *




more than 12

14. Estimated cost of transportation only (in US$) *

15. Other Sources of Funding (in US$) *



Other Agency (Government or Grant)

5. Certification

16. Please mark this box to certify that the above information is complete and accurate and that if awarded a travel grant you will attend the convention and deliver the paper yourself. *

I Accept these Terms.

Campaign Communication and Political Marketing by Philippe J. Maarek

"Philippe Maarek has provided an acute, insightful survey and compelling analysis of how political marketing has developed and the consequences this has had for election campaigning. This is an accessible, succinct and engaging read that provides a comprehensive overview of a field which, by definition, is always evolving."
- Dominic Wring, Loughborough University

"Political marketing is at the heart of political campaigning. Philippe Maarek explains how to run such campaigns and how to get your message - if you dare to be a candidate - to the voters. Students interested in how to organize a political campaign will also find in this book some analytical and practical tools. Some lessons can certainly be drawn for how to improve the confidence between citizens and the political elites."
- Guy Lachapelle, Concordia University

Campaign Communication and Political Marketing is a comprehensive,
internationalist study of the modern political campaign. It indexes and
explains their integral components, strategies, and tactics.
. Offers comparative analyses of campaigns from country to country
. Covers topics such as advertising strategy, demography, the effect
of campaign finance regulation on funding, and more
. Draws on a variety of intenational case studies including the
campaigns of Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy
. Analyses the impact of digital media and 24/7 news cycle on
campaign conduct

Available at http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-144433235X.html
and at all Amazon stores.

ISBN: 978-1-4443-3235-3
288 pages
April 2011, Wiley-Blackwell

Monday, January 30, 2012

Call for Nominations

The Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research

An annual award of The Roper Center

The Mitofsky award honors important work on public opinion and/or survey methodology that has been accomplished, published, or presented at a professional conference. Nominees can include recent work or past work that continues to have a significant impact on our understanding of public opinion. Nominations can be made for a specific project, innovation, conference paper, article or book, or for a larger body of work by a researcher or practitioner. Special consideration will be given to work that is based on data obtained directly from the Roper archive. The 2012 award carries a cash prize of $1,000 and the winner will be publicly announced in the fall.

The award honors the life and work of the late Warren J. Mitofsky, an innovator in survey research and longtime chair of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research board of
directors. The past winners include political scientist John Mueller, health policy authority Robert Blendon, sociologist Robert Wuthnow, General Social Survey originator, James Davis, and media pollster Kathleen Francovic.

Anyone can make a nomination (including self-nominations) by submitting a statement that includes the full citation of the work(s), a brief description of the work’s significance and impact, and (if appropriate) its use of the Roper Center’s public opinion data archives.

For full consideration, nominations must be received by March 31, 2012. Please send nominations (electronically preferred) to:

Professor Michael X. Delli Carpini

Annenberg School for Communication University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6220 mxd@asc.upenn.edu

Monday, January 23, 2012

Update to Japanese Election Surveys

The joint panel survey for the Asian Barometer Survey 2 (ABS2) and the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems 3 (CSES3) are now available in English. The previous version on the Political Communication website (http://www.politicalcommunication.org/ssdja.html) only contained the Japanese version of the data. The new link includes the English data: http://ssjda.iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp/abstract/0657a.html

Project Background:
In this project, we collected the Japanese data for two comparative
studies that have been collecting data globally, the Asian Barometer
(http://www.asianbarometer.org/) and CSES (The Comparative Study of
Electoral Systems http://www.cses.org/). These studies seek to
investigate the relationship between participation in society and
politics, social capital, and democracy. By conducting the Japanese
portion of this research, we fulfill Japan's obligations and at the
same time clarify Japan's relative position, and exploit the benefits
of collecting panel data for two different surveys from the same

The key feature of this study is the very important
contribution of Japanese data that is directly comparable to that of
other countries. In addition, the Japanese data provided through
this research is important for three reasons. First, Japan is a
non-western country that has been a democracy for over 60 years.
Second, it will be a basis for comparison for other modernizing Asian
countries. Finally, it plays an important role in internationalizing
Japanese research.

Moreover, there are benefits to collecting data for both the barometer
and CSES from the same Japanese respondents simultaneously as part of
a single panel survey. On the one hand, the barometer study has
insufficient data for political participation, political choices and
political systems. On the other hand, CSES has insufficient data
relating to democracy. By combining them, at least with regards to
the Japanese data, it is possible to gain a much deeper understanding
of the relationship between democratization and political behavior.
Finally, there is a single data set containing the data from both surveys.

Depositor: Kenichi Ikeda (The University of Tokyo)

ICA Submission/Acceptance/Pre-Conferences

Division Paper Submissions: 213
Division Paper Acceptance: 59%

Division Panel Submissions: 8
Division Panel Acceptance: 33%

Co-Sponsored Pre-Conferences:
1) New Media & Citizenship in Asia: Social Media, Politics & Community-Building
2) Political Comm in the Online World: Innovation in Theory & Research Designs
3) The Political Communication Graduate Student Workshop (only open to graduate students whose work was accepted to this event)

Thanks to our program planner Claes de Vreese for putting together such a fantastic program!


Nominations are now open for the 2012 David Swanson Award. Please send your letters of nomination by email to the committee chair, Stephen Reese, University of Texas, steve.reese@austin.utexas.edu by March 16, 2012. Include in your letter a brief description of service by your nominee to political communication. More information about the award is below.

The David Swanson Award for Service to Political Communication Scholarship recognizes distinguished and sustained contributions to the field as planners, editors, and leaders and in roles that require time and energy, innovation, and personal dedication. The award honors David Swanson, one of the founders of political communication who gave exemplary service to the ICA Political Communication Division and the APSA Political Communication Section. In his memory, the ICA division presents the award every other year. The joint award committee includes representatives of the ICA division and APSA section.

The ICA division chair appoints members with the advice of the APSA chair. The committee receives nominations and generates additional candidates, deliberates on the pool of potential awardees, and makes a selection. The winner receives the award plaque at the annual business meeting of the ICA Political Communication Division.

Past Recipients:
2010 Doris Graber, University of Illinois
2008 Wolfgang Donsbach, Dresden University of Technology
2006 Ann Crigler, University of Southern California

The 2012 David Swanson Award Committee: Ann Crigler, U of Southern California, USA; Kathleen Hall Jamieson, U of Pennsylvania, USA; Carsten Reinemann, Ludwig Maximilians U, Germany; Steve Reese, U. of Texas, Austin, USA (Chair) and Magdalena Wojcieszak, IE University, Spain.

Call for papers: International Conference on Media and Communication (ICMC)

An electronic version of the extended abstract, with a preferred length between 750 to 1000 words, accompanied by contact details and a brief bio on a separate page, should be sent no later than February 15. Abstracts should be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish (although presentations will be in English) and should summarize the paper contents, explain relevance to conference theme, outline methodology, contain a clear argument, theoretical framework, methodology and key results.

Graduate students applications of exceptional quality will also be accepted provided that they meet the requirements of the call for papers of the conference.

All proposals should be submitted to the following email: icmcporto@gmail.com

Participants may submit more than one proposal, but only one paper by the same first author will be accepted into the program.

Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 10, 2012

A selection of the best papers delivered at the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Global Media Journal – Portuguese Edition.

For aditional details on the conference please check http://icmc2012.wordpress.com/

If you have any further question, please contact program chair, Rui Alexandre Novais, at icmcporto@gmail.com

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 10 March 2012
Deadline for submission of full papers: 30 April 2012
Conference: 14 and 15 May 2012
Decision about publication of selected work: 31 July 2012