* WELCOME (Yariv Tsfati)
Conference called to order at 16.30
* Approval of the 2010 Business Meeting minutes
Minutes approved
* Report from ICA Board of Directors meeting (Yariv Tsfati)
- Record high submissions, attendance despite low paper acceptance rate
- Suggested visiting virtual conference – more comments there than in “3D” sessions!
- Limit number of submissions to 5 per submitter. Executive committee – both interest in and fear about going to China – decision to go to Fukoka, Japan in 2016, and first try a regional conference in China.
- Policy for political engagement was accepted – procedure for timely political engagement approved
- Update on upcoming Regional conferences
*From the annual report of the division (Yariv Tsfati): the first graduate student preconference was held at BU. 24 students presented their work; Special thanks to preconference committee (Kevin Barnhurst, Patricia Moy, Jim Shanahan, Claes de Vreese, Geoffrey Baym). Special thanks to BU and Jim Shanahan for sponsoring the event.
*From the annual report of the division – Transnational Connections Symposium, Segovia, Spain – many thanks to Patricia Moy–Magdalena Wojcieszak - hopes this will become a bi-annual event); Conference in Warsaw, September, mentioned by Agnieszka Stepinska
*Upcoming division elections (Yariv Tsfati). Nominations committee: Hernando Rojas, U of Madison, Wisconsin (Chair), Erik Albæk, U of Southern Denmark, Lilach Nir, Hebrew U, ISRAEL and Marko Skoric, Nanyang Technical U. The deadline for nominations is June 8.
*Proposal for a Kaid- Sanders Award (Jesper Strömbäck) explained that Linda Kaid had passed away this year and proposed to establish an Award in her name and in the name of her mentor and division founder Keith Sander.
- Yariv notes that Linda’s husband Cliff Jones has generously offered to match up to USD 12,000 to create an award fund whose fruits will be used to give a cash prize for the award winner. Members were asked to contribute through the ICA wesite.
- A motion proposed to name the division’s best paper award as the Kaid-Sanders award –(Motion passed)
* Secretary/Treasurer report on division membership and finances (Susan Holmberg)
Our budget for the current year is USD 8,520: USD 2,250 will go to T&F for free online access to the journal, 2,000 (approximately) will be spent on the reception. Approximately 500 for travel grants and plaque. The preconference may cost an additional 500. So I think it is safe to say we should have at least 3,000 USd left.
Membership is 756 a slight increase from last year (705).
* Journal report: Political Communication (Shanto Iyengar)
Current acceptance rate 13-14 % (up somewhat from last year)
Backlog is currently 4 issues
Temporarily disbanded special issues
* Joint Publications Committee report (Patricia Moy)
Motion proposed to cancel online subscription at 3.00/head at the end of the period – as there does not seem to be extensive use of this option. Motion carried.
Patria Moy then presented the displeasure of the joint publication committee with the contract with the publisher. On the other hand, T&F owns the title so we can’t break off and negotiate with another publisher – something else that would include AEJMC IAMCR, etc. another option is to remain with better conditions and to get Taylor and Francis to increase compensation and royalties. Question from the floor: Can we have our own e-journal with the exact same name?
1. Motion that division empowers elected officers and publication committee to express its displeasure with T&F about the current terms of the contract (motion passed)
2. Contingent on response the joint publications committee is to seriously consider an appropriate response (motion passed)
* Newsletter and website report: (Talia Stroud and blogger Maegan Stephens): Invited members to visit website and blog and share announcements with membership using these outlets.
* Program Planner's report, travel grant and paper award winners (Claes de Vreese)
-Most papers reviewed by 3 reviewers - 646 reviewer transaction. All reviewers had a Phd. (33% US, 45% Europe, 22% elsewhere).
-260 papers (up from 182 last year and 232 in Chicago)
-132 papers were accepted, for a 51 % acceptance rate
-There were 22 panel proposals submitted (all reviewed by three reviewers); up from 9 last year.
-5 were accepted (23 % acceptance rate).
-Gave preference to full papers given competitiveness.
*Top student papers:
-Augmenting or Ameliorating the Knowledge Gap? A Panel Analysis of the Effects of Political TV Exposure on Campaign Learning, Susanna Dilliplane, U of Pennsylvania
-Brandishing Broomsticks and Dumping Dow: Rhetoric of Alternative Media Texts Related to Bhopal Gas Tragedy Activism, Rahul Mukherjee, Film and Media Studies, UCSB
-Effects of the Obama Presidential Campaign on White Racial Prejudice, Seth Goldman, Annenberg, U Penn
*Top faculty paper - The Online Flow of Environmental Advocacy Clips From The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Geoffrey Baym, U North Carolina – Greensboro
Chirag Shah, Rutgers University
*Travel grants - to Jenna Mae Atun (Manila) and Rico Neumann (Costa Rica)
*2010 Political Communication Article of the Year Award (Maria Jose Canel for Chip Eveland; committee members: María José Canel, Clarissa David, William Eveland (chair), Jesper Strömbäck, David Weaver). The winner is:
Rojas, H. (2010). “Corrective” actions in the public sphere: How perceptions of media and media effects shape political behavior. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 22, 343-363.
Honorable mentions:
-Nisbet, E. C., & Myers, T. A. (2010). Challenging the state: Transnational TV and political identity in the Middle East. Political Communication, 27, 347-366.
-Strömbäck, J., & Shehata, A. (2010). Media malaise or a virtuous circle? Exploring the causal relationship between news media exposure, political news attention and political interest. European Journal of Political Research, 49, 575-597.
* New business and announcements from the floor (if any)
No new business
* Off-site reception: directions and details
Meeting adjourned at 17.44 pm
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