MEDIA IN CRISIS; CRISIS IN MEDIA III. Slovak; Czech; Polish; Hungarian - Austrian Communication Forum, DECEMBER 2-4, 2010
Already for a third time, scholars from the four Central European coutries plan to organize, meet and discuss the latest research, trends and issues in communication, media and politico-economic science. The first meeting took place in Ksiaz and Wroclaw in Poland (chief organizer was the University of Wroclaw), for the second time it was in Brno and Telè, Czech Republic (under the auspices of the Masaryk University and Czech Syndicate of Journalists) and now its time that the gathering will move to Slovakia.
Faculty of Media, Pan European University (formerly Bratislava School of
Law) is proud to be organizing the third meeting of scholars not only from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and Slovakia but from other European and foreign countries as well.
Already the second conference was attended by scholars, lecturers, and university and media professionals from many European nations.
Main organizer: Faculty of Media, Pan European University (formerly Bratislava School of Law), Slovakia Affiliated organizers: Embassy of the Unites States in the Slovak Republic
- Embassy of the United
Kingdom in the Slovak Republic - Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
- Polish Communication Association, Wroclaw, Poland - King Sigismund College, Budapest, Hungary - Janos Kodolanyi College, Szekesfehervar – Budapest, Hungary - Sales Manager Academy, Vienna, Austria
The 2010 Meeting
The topic of the 2010 meeting that is scheduled to take place in November is Crisis in Media, Media in Crisis. Since 2008, the global economy started to evolve signs of crisis and recession that have resulted in a global economic meltdown. Central European countries are no exceptions – here as well cuts and erosions into the long-established economic growth are being reported. The aim of this conference is to analyze and record the changes in the media industry and how it has mirrored on various aspects of the media presence and professionalism. Among issues analyzed will be recording any decline or growth in advertisement revenues, changes in consumers behavior (readership, circulation of print press), changes in foreign and domestic ownership structures, record any new investments and impact on employment of media workers, cultural and societal changes that could be observed in these crucial times.
Scholars from around Central Europe, Europe and the rest of the world, will analyze what has happened, why are media in crisis and what will follow next for the industry that is regarded as the watchdog of democracy among others. Keynote speakers are in negotiations but are planned to be from top-ranked universities in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and others.
The conference papers are planned to be peer-reviewed and published at the Polish Edition of Global Media Journal.
The conference is going to be split into these sections:
Section 1: Impact of the 2008 Economic Crisis on Media Section 2:
Changes in Media and Journalistic Professions Section 3: Cultural and Critical Aspects of Media Communication Section 4: Doctoral students section
Conference fees:
All Inclusive: includes 4-star hotel accomodation near the venue for two nights, all conference materials, attendance fees, coffee breaks, meals and reception € 150
Reduced Standard fee (without Hotel accommodation): all conference materials, attendance fees, coffee breaks, meals and reception €
Doctoral Students Fees: all conference materials, attendance fees, coffee breaks, meals and reception € 15 (additional payment for Hotel accommodation if needed)
Conference Timeline
Keynote speakers announcement: during September, 2010 Abstract
submission: by October 15, 2010 Abstracts acceptance: by October 20,
2010 Presentations during the conference December 2-4, 2010
Submission contact: Zuzana Komárová – Secretaries of the conference: Branislav Ondrá¹ik and Zuzana Komárová
Mgr. Zuzana Komárová
Fakulta masmédií BV©P
Tematínska 10
851 05 Bratislava 5
+421-2/6820 3649
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