Saturday, February 12, 2011

Political Communication Job Posting

The Department of Political Science at the Central European University invites applications for a full-time position in the field of Political Communication. The successful candidate should have a demonstrated potential for high-level research and publication, including advanced training in quantitative and qualitative research methods, and have a Ph.D. in political science by August 2011.

Level: Open Rank
Position for: Faculty
Unit: Department of Political Science

Application deadline:
Feb 28, 2011

Starting date: August 2011

Duties and responsibilities:
Teaching postgraduate courses in Political Science, including courses on political communication, and supervising MA and PhD theses. The yearly teaching load is 12 credits (1 credit equals 12 classroom hours). The successful candidates will be expected to maintain an active research agenda and regularly publish in major political science journals.

PhD in political science with advanced training in research methods and a demonstrated excellent potential for research and teaching in the field of political communication.

An internationally competitive salary is offered commensurate with experience.
How to apply:

Applicants need to submit their CV, list of publications, a sample paper, a short statement about their research plans, and the names and addresses of at least three referees. Please send your complete application to including job code in subject line: 2011/004. The deadline of application is February 28, 2010. CEU is an equal opportunity employer.

Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space Conference

Comparing Political Communication Across Time and Space Conference of the ECREA Political Communication Section Co-sponsored by ACOP (Asociación de Comunicación Política)

20-21 October 2011, Madrid, Spain

The Political Communciation Section of ECREA, along with ACOP (Asociación de Comunicación Política) is calling for a Workshop to provide a forum to discuss and advance comparative political communication research, including both longitudinal and cross-national comparisons.
Conveners: Katrin Voltmer, Jesper Strömbck, María José Canel Local organisers: María José Canel ( ) Mario Gurrionero ( )

Basic data:
Call for papers URL:
Submission of contributions: Abstracts of not more than 500 words should be sent to María José CANEL
Deadline: 16 May 2011
For more information, Website: