Power and Strategy in a New Communication Environment, the 8th Annual APSA Preconference on Political Communication, will be held on Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 at the George Washington University. The theme of this year's conference is the exploration of political power in a new communication environment, and the possibilities for strategic action this environment affords within and across various levels. From local politics to international relations, new communication technologies and processes are transforming how political actors seek to achieve their goals.
This conference seeks to bring together a broadly focused group of scholars to discuss how political actors understand, pursue, and use power in this new communication environment. The pre-conference features three panel sessions, a distinguished luncheon speaker, and a closing reception. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with political communication scholars.
There is no fee for the pre-conference, as the Political Communication Section and generous university sponsors are covering the costs. However, participants need to pre-register by August 15. To pre-register, go to http://apsagwu.eventbrite.com.
We hope that you will be able to join us!
Richard Davis
APSA Political Communication Section