Tuesday, June 15, 2010

APSA Nominations

The Nominating Committee for the American Political Science Association Political Communication Section is seeking nominations (including self nominations!) for its Executive Committee and Award Committees for 2010-2011.

The Section needs to fill the following executive positions: Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and one At-Large member of the Executive Committee.

The Section also needs a chair and three additional members for each of the following Award Committees:

The Doris Graber Outstanding Book Award

The Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award

The Best Graduate Student Paper Award

Service on the awards committees will be for awards presented at the 2011 meeting. Per the by-laws, the Nominating Committee will give weight to names forwarded by the Section members in drawing up the 2010-2011 slate. Self nominations are encouraged! Please submit nominees’ names and contact information to Michael Xenos, Nominating Committee Chair, at xenos@wisc.edu.